Sypmtoms Of Uric Acid In The Joints Of The Fooot

SYMPTOMS OF URIC ACID IN THE JOINTS OF THE FOOT You who are adults, have you ever felt the pain due to terpincang-pincang road in big toe joints? Hmm ... be careful, so that symptoms of uric acid in the joints of the foot. What is gout? According to the Wikipedia site, uric acid (urate, uric acid) is a derivative of purine compounds with the formula C5H4N4O3. Uric acid disease occurs due to too much consuming substances purin.

In our body, it will be processed into purin uric acid. However, when simply applied too much, then the kidneys can't excrete uric acid crystals so accumulate in joints. As a result the joints become inflamed and swollen, it hurts.

Gout is a disease caused by a residual substance metabolism purin from the food that we consume. Purin is a substance found in any foods derived from living things. Indeed, in every living being there is the astringent purin. After these beings become our food menu, then the incoming join purin substances into the body. Foods that contain substances such as purin sea animal, some fruits and vegetables.

Uric acid normally attack people age adults, mostly aged above 35 years. The symptoms are similar to those of arthritis, i.e. pain in the joints, especially in the big toe, then propagate to other foot joints.


The question is, how do we know the signs of gout? Symptoms of gout is the most common joint pain is expressed in certain places. Especially on the leg joints often receive a load or pressure, such as the big toe, ankles, knees, and heels. In addition also hand joints, it as well as the ears.

The symptoms of pain in joints was especially felt in the night or early morning, when the weather is cold. The pain is due to the levels of uric acid deposits in the joints area and cause inflammation. If it happens in the long term (chronic), then it can cause permanent damage to the dipersendian.

Initially the pain in joints this happens for a few days, then the pain will disappear and then come back again. The missing signs appear missing reappear is often confusing.



Phase-1 is also known as a phase of acute gout inflammation (acute gout arthritis). In this phase, a person will experience bouts of arthritis-specific. However, the attack was usually stops on its own within 5 – 7 days even though untreated. Because it is short, sufferers are often wrong by assuming it as a foot sprain or dislocate, so rarely a medical treatment.

After the attack, sufferers will be back healthy for an extended period (intercritical gout). The length can vary between people with one other person. Average between 1 – 2 years, but some are up to 10 years. The length of the phase between these often made people forget that he once suffered from arthritis gout or thought that the first attack had nothing to do with disease gout.

The 2nd PHASE

The second phase occurs after the gout interkritikal many years without symptoms at all. Characterized by attacks of arthritis or inflammation. The sufferer will experience a recurrence of the pain, the more often the longer the affected joints, and more.

Usually new sufferers realize if he is hit uric acid in this phase. Handling on the second phase is certainly going to be more difficult than the first phase. This second phase of symptoms, also known as acute gout arthritis intermittent phase.


The third phase is also known as chronic bertofus gout arthritis phase. This phase occurs when the sufferer has suffered pain for 10 years or more. This phase will happen on bump-bump of inflammation around the joint called the tofus. A hard lump Tofus containing powder such as limestone which is a deposit of uric crystals of sodium. This will result in damage to the Tofus on the joints and bones in the vicinity. Tofus on the feet when the size is large and many will result in the sufferer cannot use the shoe again.


Although it can be controlled with medication, the sufferer should do the restrictions against foods containing a lot of purin. Following some argument and the restrictions so that we avoid the risk of getting gout and avoid sharp increase uric acid levels:

1. avoid foods that contain a lot of purin, like sardines, anchovy jengki, fish, organ meats (liver, kidney, tripe, lungs), fried beans, meat extracts, and others. Avoid all alcoholic beverages.

2. Consume low purin food good for gout sufferers, such as bananas, lettuce, cabbage, parsley, red cabbage, red peppers, and fruit acids. Vegetables like spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, peas, and cauliflower contain moderate levels of purin in so not too affect levels of uric acid in the blood.

3. The consumption of foods that have substance-lowering uric acid and reduces inflammation, such as berries (blueberries, stroberry), tofu, parsley and olive oil. Garlic is often called magic herb because it can help deal with various diseases and is beneficial in many functions of the body.

4. Consume natural herbs like sambiloto, temulawak, black pepper, and tempuyung.

5. Apply a balanced healthy diet by choosing complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, brown rice), lean protein (tofu), and a healthy essential fats.

6. Drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.

Although originally only attack the joints in the foot, gout need to look out for early on. Because if not, it will attack other body joints.

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