Benefits Soursop For Health People

Benefits of soursop leaves many still latent and rarely known to the public. Not many people know about the benefits or usefulness of these leaves. Whereas soursop tree leaf is one of the traditional medicine of the rich benefits. A rare effectiveness should note that in deploying on the public.

Disseminating information about the business benefits of soursop leaves very reasonable and feasible are supported. Especially when these benefits are rarely known to the public. It is in line with the trend of traditional natural medicine which is increasingly growing.

Modern medicine and traditional healing naturally has advantages and disadvantages of each. The trend of traditional medicine more natural increase excess of some herbal drugs compared to modern medicine-chemically. For example, natural treatments have side effects that are relatively smaller.


The tree of the soursop (Annona muricata L = Latin, Netherlands = Zuurzak) is a typical tropical plants. Soursop tree originated from Central America or South America, was taken by the Netherlands in the 19th century, and flourished in Indonesia. Soursop trees rich with benefits, especially the fruit and leaves.

Soursop fruit for example, contain lots of carbohydrates, particularly fructose. The other is the nutrient content of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2.

While the soursop tree leaves, according to a study of many contain acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annomuricin, anomurine, annonacin, anonol, caclourine, gigantetronin, gentisic acid, linoleic acid, and muricapentocin.

The shape of these leaves the real mediocrity does not vary much with the leaves of other plants. The difference is the content and benefits of soursop leaves are rarely known to it.

Among the benefits of soursop leaf which is rarely known as anti-cancer drugs, medicinal drugs lumbago, rheumatism, ulcers, the drug and medication gout.


In our country the study about the benefits of soursop leaves very less. While overseas research about it quite a lot,

Long before modern research, the benefits of soursop leaves truly are already known by ancient Indian tribes many centuries ago. At that time the Indian tribes used the soursop fruit and its leaves are for all kinds of treatment. They believe that the soursop fruit and leaves are believed to be able to heal the sick heart, liver, asthma and rheumatism.

In the middle of the Decade of the 1960s, a number of academics research done to prove that the soursop leaf extract has properties better than chemo therapy. In fact, still according to the research, the nutritious leaf extract was able to slow the progression of cancer.

National Cancer Institute conducts scientific research in 1976, and the results are mentioned that rod and soursop tree leaves effective attack and destroy cancer cells. This is because a lot of soursop leaf contains compounds proactive for the body. That's not much proactive compounds found in other fruits.

Research scientists in Korea found that there is a chemical compound which acts selectively kill colon cancer cells, as well as 10 thousand times more potent chemotherapy drugs that are found in the soursop. Their research also reported that these compounds are selective in determining the target cell cancer so it does not damage healthy cells.

In a recent study, mentioned that the soursop tree leaves is useful for example to cancer of the prostate, pancreas and lungs. Next 20 test based on laboratory tests on the benefits of soursop leaves done since 1970, shows encouraging results regarding the efficacy of these leaves, for example:

First, attacking the cancer cells effectively, and does not harm healthy cells. Second, have a target that is effective and can kill malignant cells for 12 types of cancer, including cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. Third, increase the energy in the body. Fourth, increase stamina and fitness. Fifth, helping boost the immune system and avoiding the deadly infection. Sixth, as antioxidants are able to prevent free radicals.

Finally, soursop tree was originally planted in sideline for Rosaceae, now could be maximized again its usefulness with the knowledge about the benefits of soursop leaves it.

Although it may still be far from expected, but one moment with the continuous effort of then efficacy soursop leaves can be realized and disseminated. Not merely a discourse but already more concrete for example in the form of health product based soursop leaves.

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