10 Pregnant Women Causes Difficult

PREGNANT WOMEN CAUSES DIFFICULT - The actual title of "some causes of Difficult Women Pregnant" it may be less appropriate. Because the issue of pregnancy is a matter of "bilateral" married couples. Pregnant Poser is a question of both issues together, and not solely the question of women as wives. Is the fact that the cause of his wife experienced difficult conceiving can come from both sides. I.e., the husband and wife and party. Wife natures as women are biologically allows the occurrence of pregnancy is the only reason he wore the title of writing as above.

For some couples, getting pregnant and having a child or descendant not so a problem. They could have children in accordance with what they expect from their marriage. But for couples who have children, or other descendants is a dream that many years have yet to be realized. Be patient, pray and seek the taste is already done. But the fruit of the careful yet also shows signs of the future present. What the hell is it that causes a hard woman is pregnant? Why some women can get pregnant fast while some other difficult women pregnant? How scientific explanation about it?

Religion teaches us the belief that pregnancy and birth of a child is a gift of God Almighty. While the science to explain it from the perspective of empirical logic. According to science there are several factors or causes of difficult to get pregnant in a woman. These include:


Causes of difficult conceiving the first is what is known as polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition that causes the production of excess androgen hormones and became one of the leading causes of infertility in women. Hormonal imbalances caused by PCOS causes problems with ovulation and menstrual cycles bothered. This condition is also commonly associated with excess body weight and insulin resistance.


Early menopause can cause a woman to become pregnant is difficult. Understanding menopause early is the lack or hilangan sign early menstruation and ovarian follicle depletion before a woman reaches the age of 40. If the function of the ovaries (ovarian) and menstruation stops before the age of 40 years, then a woman is considered premature menopause. Certain immune diseases or even radiation therapy can be a cause of premature menopause in women.


When the channel tuba inflamed, this may be caused due to blockages or scarring, which in turn, causes infertility. Such damage is commonly caused by infection with a sexually transmitted disease, especially chlamydia. Other cases that may cause blockage in the tuba include pelvic inflammatory disease, or due to an ectopic pregnancy surgery scars.


Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. This condition normally affects the ovaries, egg, eggs, sperm function and even uterus. In the case of mild endometriosis, conception is still likely to happen because not all women will experience infertility. In this case, laparoscopy can be used to remove the scar tissue caused by endometriosis to help conception.


Other factors that affect a woman's ovulation is physical damage on ovariumnya. Such damage can be caused by surgery due to ovarian cysts. Constant operating extensive invasive can cause damage or scarring to the point where the ovarian follicle can no longer grow up, as a result the process of ovulation being incomplete.


Pelvic adhesions can be defined as the scar tissue that forms after pelvic surgery, appendicitis which can interfere with fertility. Pelvic adhesions can change the structure of the channel of the tuba, so it is difficult for a woman's egg to travel through the channel.


Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is too active. While thyroid hypothyroidism, is a condition caused by underactive thyroid. Both can cause infertility problems and difficulty getting pregnant in women.


Has cancer and is undergoing radiotherapy or other forms of cancer treatment can impair the function of the male or female reproductive systems. Research has shown that a woman's fertility decline in one of the side effects of radiation.

But it also depends on the condition of parts of the body in sinari. Women who undergo radiation therapy should talk with their doctor about the effects of the treatment that might affect their fertility.


Certain drugs can cause infertility in women. But by stopping the drug consumption it entirely, women are still likely to be fertile. Using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet and being overweight or underweight, and athletic sports overload can also lead to infertility and pregnant women difficult.


Age is also considered a common factor associated infertility in women. Women over 40 years old have a lower number of egg cells and tend to be less healthy. The likelihood of miscarriage is also higher in women who was older.


Sperm quality is low is usually caused due to abnormalities in the formation of spermatozoa. In addition, both the bad of life a guy could affect the high to low sperm quality. When a husband sperm quality is low, can be understood when his wife became pregnant was difficult, isn't it?


The psychological condition of the husband and wife greatly affects the chances of pregnancy in a woman. The condition and situation of the households that are not harmonious, not cheerful, store problems, stress, frequent quarrels, it could lead to the occurrence of a problem pregnancy difficulties on the couple.

Finally it is necessary discernment together from married couples to understand what the actual cause is hard conceive in their household. With emphasis on togetherness and abandon the ego of each expected to cause it could be immediately known, and dreams of getting the fruit hearts soon realized.

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