Knowing The Benefits Of Goat Milk

GET TO KNOW THE BENEFITS OF GOAT MILK FOR HEALTH - for health no need in doubt. As in cow's milk, goat's milk also has a complete nutritional content, so it is very good in consumption, especially by children and pregnant women. Then actually, what are the benefits of goat milk for health? Let's explore more information in the following short review.

Have you ever heard of etawa goat milk, gomars and skygoat being promoted in radio or other print media? Yes, all three of them are some of the goat milk brand that is now phenomenal and widely consumed by the people of Indonesia. As in cow's milk, goat's milk is now packed in many variants. A flask of liquid goat milk, full cream until powder.

The popularity of goat milk itself is increasingly sticking out, when many experts claim that in addition to healthy, pure goat milk is also known to provide tremendous benefits for the body. It certainly does not escape the various nutritional content in it.

• Goat milk is antiseptic, natural and can help suppress the reproduction of the bacteria in the body. This caused the presence of a simply applied 10 flourin – 100 times greater than in cow's milk.

• Are wet (alkaline food) so it is safe for the body.

• Protein is gentle and mild laktasenya effect, so it does not cause diarrhea.

• Fat in goat milk easily in cerna because it has a soft and smooth texture. The fat was also smaller than the grains of fat cow's milk or other milk. In addition also are homogeneous natural. Since goat's milk easy to digest then it could suppress the incidence of allergic reactions.

Goat's milk contains sodium, fluorine, calcium, and phosphorus which are quite dominant, plus other nutrients content. Therefore, the goat's milk nutritious:

• Add to the vitality and durability of the body.

• Address the problem of impotence and sexual arousal, both for men and women.

• Have an anti-cancer effect

• AIDS digestion and gastric acid mentralisir.

• Cure allergic reactions on the skin, respiratory and digestive tract.

• Cure for therapy of lung diseases, such as asthma, TUBERCULOSIS, as well as other acute infections in the lungs.

• Curing kidney abnormalities, such as nepbrotic syndrom infection-kidney infections and high uric acid.

• High calcium Deposits can help cure rheumatism and prevents osteoporosis.


Traits of a good pure goat's milk easily recognisable from its physical, i.e. as follows:

1. In conditions of freezing ⁰ – 18 milk must be seen is yellow ivory (high calcium content)

2. easy to melt in room temperature (low moisture content)

3. Easily kneaded after issued 30 minutes from freezer

4. milk Aroma wafted with taste slightly sweet and savory

5. Cream of milk with water blends and not broke/lumpy

6. the peculiar smell of goats are not the pungent smell (cleanliness of the cages is awake)

7. goat's milk fat content of not more than 6 per cent

Traits of a good goat's milk above must be observed carefully to avoid mixing of organic goat's milk with water, coconut milk or cow's milk.

A number of factors that could cause pure goat's milk changed the quality of which are:

1. Milk has exceeded its storage deadline (expired)

2. The storage temperature that is not standard or unstable

3. Experience the liquid a few times and then it freezes again

4. a dirty Cage and feed the less good

5. Mixed with goat milk colostrum in early birth


Trubus Magazine March 2007/448 Issue XXXVIII, among others, reported on the benefits of goat milk to the disease hepatitis. Among other things, the magazine recounts the healing of a patient named Elis hepatitis after consuming goat's milk regularly.

How the role of goat's milk helps cure hepatitis? According to Dr. h. p. Maree, MBChB, Schweizer Reneke, of Western Transvaal, South Africa, goat's milk contains a lot of medium-chain fatty acids. I.e. the amount on the goat milk is almost equivalent to that of the human breast milk.

Goat's milk contains lauric acid, which is also found in virgin coconut oil (VCO), up to 4.5 percent, whereas in human breast milk 5.8 percent. Goat milk also contains acidic kaprat of 2.2 percent. Whereas acidic water on human milk kaprat only 0.3% and 1.2 percent beef. Kaprat acid and lauric acid are known as antivirals.

Goat milk also contains niacin to 0.676 mg, higher than in cow's milk 0.261 mg. According to Dr. Elvina Karyadi community nutritionist MSc, University of Indonesia, supplements of vitamin B3 or niacin is usually given to patients who are currently undergoing chemotherapy to reduce the effect of toksis chemotherapy.

Finally, the goat's milk is a drink not less bergizinya compared to cow's milk. Even complaints about health often encountered due to drinking cow's milk is rarely found in people who consume goat milk. So the goat's milk can be an alternative for consumers who have an allergy to cow's milk.

Unfortunately, the benefits of goat milk for health it seems still unknown by many people. Our perception is wrong about goat's milk sometimes override this benefit-rich milk.

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