Functions & Kinds Of Complete Termomemeter

The thermometer is a tool that serves to measure the temperature or the temperature or temperature changes. Did You Know? The term derives from the Latin thermometers, i.e. the mean heat and thermo meter, meaning to measure. The working principle of the thermometer there is various, the most commonly used is the Mercury thermometer. In everyday life the tools that this one is not too much a lot of people use it.

These health tools often we encounter in the field of medicine just because the doctor's duty to check the temperature of the body of his patient, considering the keperlua physician to check the body temperature of the patient. But actually the thermometer is great also for us to use in order to be able to figure out how the body temperature or room that we inhabit today. Then, what are the functions of thermometer more fully? The following is an explanation for you.

Indeed we need to take care of health, because health is a part of our lives that are an integral and very important for us to keep. Because if it is continued pain, daily activities will be interrupted and the thermometer is great benefits for us as a tool for checking the temperature of our body. So we know if we're experiencing chills, sore hot or what.

The Functions Of Thermometer
Prior to the variety of thermometers, let's discuss the functions of thermometer first. A thermometer is a device that serves as a tool to measure the temperature. We measure the temperature function this messes. We can measure the temperature function for medicine, namely to know the temperature of the human body, are we a fever or not. We use the thermometer well to know the temperature of the room, to find out what temperature the oven for cooking and so on.

Various Thermometers

1. Clinical Thermometer
Clinical thermometer used the doctors and nurses to measure the temperature of the human body. The fluid used to fill clinical thermometer is mercury. Clinical thermometer on the scale between 35 ° C to 42 ° C with. Cross-section of the head is made smaller than the range of the thermometer. This is intended so that a small change in temperature can be seen clearly. To measure the temperature of the object, the thermometer is placed in the armpit or in your mouth approximately 2 minutes. To restore the original position of the mercury on the thermometer, it instantly hit-shake.

2. The thermometer's Six-Bellaini
The thermometer was invented by James Six and Beliani at the end of the 18th century. This kind of thermometer is often used by meteorologists to know the temperature is the highest and the lowest temperature in a given period. Maximum and minimum thermometer consists of a cylindrical tube with tube and pipe B u. Tube à contains alcohol and is connected to the tube B which also contains alcohol through a pipe containing mercury in the U. Six thermometer-Bellaini has 2 of the scale i.e. minimum scale on the pipe left and maximum scale on the pipe to the right. So that the temperature can be read in accordance with the height of a column of mercury in each pipe.

3. the Thermocouple Thermometer
This thermometer consists of two wire made from metallic materials of different types and associated with an ammeter. The principle of work is in a different temperature then it would produce an electric current. This thermometer temperature range starting from-100 ° C up to 1500 ° C, in addition to having a large range of thermocouple thermometer, it can also measure the temperature quickly and can be connected to other circuits or computer.

4. optical Thermometer (pyrometer)
Optical thermometers namely thermometer how it works based on metal discoloration that occurs due to a change in temperature. Also called optical thermometer pyrometer which is usually used to measure very high temperatures (above 1000 ° C) such as in smelting metals.

5. bimetal Thermometer
Bimetal thermometers contain a thin spiral-shaped bimetal chip. In principle, the higher the temperature, the more curved bimetal chip to show higher temperatures.

Functioning of the thermometer is very useful for the life of us all, so did the variety of thermometers that have different functions of the tergantun type. And that is the function & various thermometers can we convey may be adding to our knowledge of all.

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