The Benefits Of Cinnamon For Health
HE BENEFITS OF CINNAMON FOR HEALTH HE BENEFITS OF CINNAMON FOR HEALTH The world knows the benefits of cinnamon for health from the corpus of traditional medicine that has evolved over the centuries. Indonesia community know him as a kind of spice that is also commonly used as a condiment in many kinds of food.
Cinnamon plants included in the family Lauraceae. This plant is thought to have originated from South India or Sri Lanka. This tree thrives in Java, Sumatra, West India, Brazil, Viet Nam, Madagascar, and Egypt. The international community recognize this benefit-rich plants with the name of cinnamon, which is derived from the Greece kinnamon.
Cinnamon has been used as a spice since the era of ancient Egypt about 5000 years ago. In the 16th century, cinnamon (cinnamomum burmannii) has been widely used as a cooking spice. Worldwide there are 54 kinds of cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp), 12 kinds of which are found in Indonesia. The many types of plants growing in Indonesia is Cinnamomum burmannii BL, or better known by the name Cassiavera.
the benefits of cinnamon for kesehatanCinnamon or kinnamon is one of the oldest rempat spice until recently still used by humans. Benefits of cinnamon in the modern era has been through study in a series of tests with clinical laboratory test. The results show that this plant has lots avail for health. In fact also already widely used as material for the manufacture of perfumes and developed into the anti-microbial drugs.
Here are some of the benefits of cinnamon for public health:
1. Regulate the blood sugar levels
A number of research concludes that cinnamon is beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels so it is good food for the diabetic and hypoglycemic. Scientists in the US claim that consuming one teaspoon a day could help prevent diabetes. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, found if this tree extracts can rejuvenate the body's ability to make it more responsive to insulin.
In fact, the results of an experiment in the laboratory showed that the processing of glucose increases to 20 fold. This effect is caused by the uterus methylhydroxy chalcone polymer contained in it. Other benefits of cinnamon is in stabilizing mood (mood) and the energy in the body.
2. Lowers bad cholesterol
Cinnamon helpful for lowering levels of bad cholesterol or LDL (low density lipoprotein). So far, the known LDL is harmful to health because it can cause heart disease, stroke and obesity. In addition, consuming cinnamon can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A study in Pakistan shows a decrease in fasting blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL bad cholesterol and total cholesterol after use for 40 days. A decline that lasted until the next 20 days.
3. as anti-infective
Cinnamon has a content of natural anti-infectious. In a number of research found the fact that, this plant is effective at relieving the bacteria h. pylori can cause stomach ulcers, as well as some other types of diseases caused by bacteria.
4. As a pain reliever in sufferers of rheumatism
Cinnamon can be used to reduce the pain caused by rheumatism. In addition it can also lower the cytokines (small protein-protein as a mediator and a regulator of hematopoesis, inflammatory and immunity) which can cause arthritis.
5. Prevent the growth of cancer cells
A research at the University of Texas reported that cinnamon could reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Not only that, he even became one of the herb that could cure cancer itself.
6. As a multifunctional drug
Other benefits of cinnamon are as multifunctional drugs can be used as a natural food preservatives, contain fiber, calcium, iron and manganese are able to reduce the pain when menstruation or childbirth. Cinnamon plants have natural deposits called cinnamaldehyde can balance the hormones – increasing the hormone progesterone and decrease testosterone in women.
7. Can treat Alzheimer's
A number of experts and researchers in Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, the University of Texas has developed this plant as one of the herbs can treat various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, and meningitis. Research on the same site also suggests that these plants can reduce chronic inflammation associated with neurological disorders.
This plant-shaped stem with a small diameter, the size can be long or short. The outside and the inside is light brown. Some characteristics of cinnamon is a rough-skinned, it's spicy, slightly sweet, warm, and smells fragrant. The main result is the skin of the stems and branches. While other results such as twigs and leaves will be processed into essential oils.
The skin and results of petrol is widely used in the food industry, beverages, seasonings, pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetics, industrial and smoking mosquito repellent. The use of cinnamon bark can be in the form of powders, essential oils, or oleoresin.
While the essential oil is obtained from the bark, twigs, and leaves, i.e. by means of distillation. The content of essential oil in Cinnamon Bark 1.3 – 2.7 percent. Meanwhile, oleoresin obtained by means of extraction using organic solvents.
Exceptional. A cinnamon plant multi purpose should have been cultivated and developed with the serious and well-planned. So, the benefits of cinnamon is very large it can be perceived as fully as possible for the health and welfare of society as a whole.
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