Our society already know the benefits of betel leaf since the times first. The corpus of traditional medicine to know benefits such as betel leaf cure anti biotic, and it was passed down orally. From one generation to the next.
On the other hand, the betel leaf is also known for "near" to the habits of women who like first era Indonesia nginang or nyeupah. Though the tradition of the nginang or nyeupah this is already starting to abandoned women these days. But in some remote areas of this tradition is still carried out. In terms of health, is not yet known for sure what the benefits of betel leaf in the habit of nginang or nyeupah. Or lest nginang and nyeupah have absolutely no benefits?
In a different context the betel leaf is also considered a strong element of mysticism. Because, some tribes in Indonesia often include betel leaf in their rituals. Allaah ' nature.
Benefits of betel leaf in the context of traditional medicine is very much indeed. What is mentioned below is just part of the benefits the betel leaf is best known, and most often practiced by the community. IE:
We need is a single sheet of betel leaves, then roll after that insert into the nose to clog blood flow out.
Prepare 4 to 6 pieces of betel leaf, and 6 seeds, pepper, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Mash all ingredients together until smooth, and then rub on the stomach.
Ingredients: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 piece of ginger yellow, 1.5 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil. How, all the ingredients together until smooth, and then rubbed on the body part that itches.
This herb can also cure bad breath caused by tooth decay and oral bacteria that is by the way in chewing. Here's how the betel leaves, washed and then Chew and leave a few minutes in the mouth, then remove. Do it 2-3 times a day. The second way is by how to gargle. Boiled 5-6 betel leaf with 2 cups of water to a boil. Chill and strain, use for berkumur-kumur each morning and afternoon.
Quotation 5-6 sheet of betel leaf. Boil 3 cups of water to a boil. Lift it and strain it, add salt. Next use to gargle three times a day.
To stop bleeding gums, you can take the 10 pieces of betel leaf. After washed, boiled with 5 cups of water to a boil. Lift and filtered use to gargle.
Take 2-3 pieces of betel leaves soaked in hot water 1/2 glasses. Add a teaspoon of white sugar. Let stand until the water is warm. Then Drink.
Soak 3 sheets of betel leaves in a glass of hot water. After the cold water use the water to gargle with a head looking up to the top and feel the water his up to the larynx. Do 3 times a day.
Prepare a 7 – 10 pieces of betel leaf. Stew with 2.5 litres of water to a boil. While still warm, boiled water the betel leaves used to wash and clean the surrounding organs of femininity.
For wearing parts of the outer skin, the benefits of betel leaf for example treating diseases such as eczema, Burns, ringworm, foot koreng, ulcers and relieving itching.
Because of the narrow, more land now betel trees planted in a pot a lot around the House. Both as ornamental plants or as a medicinal plant that can be used at any time.
Though betel leaves much utilized in the traditional medicine, its publication in various media may not have been many. Is the duty of all of us to examine all the benefits of betel leaf, especially in the context of traditional medicine.
The betel tree is part of plants native to Indonesia. If it wasn't we who study him, who else? (From various sources)
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